Friday, November 15, 2013

Bioshock: Harvest or Rescue?

I’ll withhold my points about the PS4 launch activity. I have a separate post on my site for that going on now.  I know now how Joker felt about all the posting last week.

I’m going to tackle the Harvest or Rescue issue.  It’s a pretty good question.  I’m about halfway through Neptune’s bounty, and rescued 3 little sisters so far in this level (in addition to the two I’ve already saved in the Hospital).  Here are the options I’m currently weighing:

Harvest – Roughly 160 ADAM per sister, with one very pissed off doctor.  Odds are that likely I can buy out most of what I need from each Gatherer’s Garden in one go.   When I rescued the first three, I had trouble getting all the plasmids I wanted.  I could only settle for what was necessary – and couldn’t upgrade my health or Eve limits.  Strangely enough, each little sister turns into one of those silicon nulls from Reboot.

Rescue – About 80 ADAM per sister.  They get to live, which pleases the doctor – who promises to make it ‘worth my while’.  I was beginning to wane on this rescue activity until I got to another Gatherer’s Garden in Neptune's Bounty.  I had rescued four sisters up to this point – and found a teddy bear gift sitting in front of the plasmid machine.  The gift was an extra 200 ADAM (on top of the 160 I had left from originally going to the machine), gave me special rounds for my machine gun and an extra support plasmid.  While I assume that these gifts are few and far between, it made picking up everything I need a joke.  I bought out the garden with ADAM to spare.

I may stick with rescue for now if the gifts continue on a pattern.  If I have to wait more than 4 sisters per gift drop, that tactic may drastically change.  I know everyone saw all those empty slots in the gene bank, waiting to be filled.  Deciding which plasmids to use is most definitely a problem I want to have.

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