Wednesday, January 1, 2014

BioShock: Would you kindly put this to rest?

I had anticipated giving more time and effort to the wrap up but it sorta feels like Irrational didn't, at least not with the gameplay, so why should i? More than that, i think we discussed some of the most interesting aspects of the game on our journey to the end, specifically the nuts and bolts of the gameplay, our own particular gaming styles and approaches to the levels. The wrap up of the gameplay seems like an anticlimax. I dunno if that's just BioShock as a game or the nature of this type of blogging, where so much of the game gets discussed along the way.

Here's the thing, i really enjoyed everything about this game up until the end when the gameplay became tedious, when putting the game down meant struggling through some of the hardest parts and being fully aware of the arsenal i would like to use but not being able to use them because ammo was so fucking scarce. It just seemed like a cheap gimmick that downgraded an otherwise great experience.

Overall, i'm a HUGE fan of the style, setting (location and era) and the story but, after all was said and done, the gameplay fell short for me. i'm guessing it's because the game is now a decade old but there it is.

Oddly, playing BioShock has created a sense of really wanting a studio to create a game that's more philosophically slanted. In fact, if someone adopted Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged in a way that was more like Beyond: Two Souls (but with better action gameplay in the scenes that called for it) i feel like it would be quite satisfying. Won't ever happen but a gamer can dream. Or maybe i'm just a such a big fan of the art deco style of Rapture that i'd like more time in a similar place, maybe without all the blood smears and Splicers.

Anyway, best put this one to bed now. I'm feeling like an Odyssey to the West could be good for me since i have my head above water again.


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