Friday, January 10, 2014

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Ok... so moving from Bioshock, we've determined that Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will be the next game on the list. Now this game came out in 2010, so it's about 3+ years old. It was a critical hit, but not sure how popular it was with the average gaming fan. I got this game cheap about two years ago, played about 30 minutes, and never picked it up again.

Seems a perfect game for us to discuss, as it based on my favorite genre, post-apocalypse. It's apparently a re-telling of some older story that I have no idea about. So there are 14 Chapters, let's plan to have Chapters 1-5 finished by next week, so 1/17/2014. Sound good everyone? If we can somehow finish this early (I played some this week in one sitting and was able to get to Chapter 3), I say we bust through it.

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